Book Review: 27 Things to Know About Yoga

Welcome to Day #3 of the Blog Book Tour for Victoria Klein’s new yoga book, 27 Things to Know About Yoga!

I couldn’t be happier to share and recommend this gem of a yoga book with each of you. Part how-to book, part intro to yoga philosophy and lifestyle, 27 Things is that book you wish you had in your bag with you at the airport when you really need something fun and interesting to read and don’t feel like tying your brain into knots. Open the book anywhere and you’ll find bite-sized bits of wisdom that will inspire your practice both on and off the yoga mat.

Perfect for Yoga Newbies! I especially recommend 27 Things for those just getting into yoga. As Ms. Klein states in the introduction, “Think of this as a gateway book: a great starting point or quick reference in your ongoing journey for intelligent and useful information about yoga.” That’s a perfect description of the book.

For the yoga newbie, 27 Things should give you the confidence and direction you need to go to your first class, delve into a variety of yoga styles, or seek out a teacher that suits you. 27 Things also gives straightforward answers about what to wear, what to eat, and what to bring to class. With a little bit of practical wisdom from the author, you won’t have any more excuses for not giving yoga a try.

Also Great for Yoga Vets! I may still struggle to look natural when touching my toes (due to hamstrings about as stretchy as a piece of dry wood…), but I do consider myself somewhat of a veteran in the world of yoga book reading. Although 27 Things is probably geared more towards breaking the ice with the curious about yoga crowd, it contains plenty of insight that a seasoned yogi can also appreciate. Motivation to practice doesn’t grow on trees, and you can certainly expect to receive a good dose of it in this book.

Thing 21 reminds the reader that yoga is very much about discipline, and that “No matter your schedule, budget, or location, yoga is meant to be practiced every minute of every day….It may be hard to imagine meeting yourself on your yoga mat every day, but that is what needs to be done.”

This is a great little book. It’s cheap (less than 10 bucks on Amazon), it’s an easy read, and it just may be the book you need in your bag to help you survive your next plane ride.



    1. @pilatesbiz–I tried emailing you, but received a delivery failure message. I basically use a premium wordpress theme called Modern News on Daily Cup of Yoga. It has some great customization options and is pretty simple to use. Hope this answers your question.

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