Three Cleansing Exercises to Start Your Day Like a Yogi

As the fast pace of modern life continues to accelerate, many people in the Western world have turned to yoga for their much-needed self-care. But the typical yoga practice in the West is often distilled down to only asana, the…

What’s Your Yoga Style? (Totally Updated with Yoga Links Galore!)

This little chart from Alison Hinks just might lead you to the yoga promised land.  To help in navigating the maze, here are links to the "official" websites for each style as well as a few helpful books or DVDs. Viniyoga American…

How to Use, Cleanse, and Store Mala Beads

A few pointers from Diana at Tiny Devotions on how to use, cleanse, and store mala beads: On the Spirit Voyage blog, which has a trove of meditation mantras, I discovered some interesting information about accupressure points on the fingers that can…

DIY Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat Cleaning Solution

Helpful post at Eco Yogini with eco-friendly solutions for freshening up a dirty yoga mat. She shares a vinegar water spray recipe for daily use. Here it is: In an old spray bottle...combine You could also add some lavendar or…

43 Creative Ways to Reuse or Recycle Your Old Yoga Mat

Let's face it, even if your favorite yoga mat is bulletproof and will never ever wear out, there's still a decent chance that you have a collection of yoga mats laying around the house, most likely never to be used…

Time for Yoga…

Have a hard time fitting yoga into your day?  Consider this simple thought: "Instead of finding time to practice Yoga, practice Yoga all the time." ~ Bob Weisenberg