A rough week for Apple…LEGOs always help…

“Insanely great” would hardly describe how this past week unfolded for Apple's stock price... While it won't raise the price of your Apple shares, this LEGO re-creation of a 1984 Macintosh should warm your heart up a little bit.  LEGOs always cheer me…

2011 iPod Touch vs. 2001 iPod…Evolution on Display

It's a beautiful thing...

To Be More Mindful, Try Emptying the Mind

Shunryu Suzuki in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: When you study Buddhism you should have a general house cleaning of your mind. Despite a few classes in college on Buddhism, I am by no means an expert on Zen philosophy.  Inspired…

My Favorite Steve Jobs Tribute Video

If I told you where I'd been the last few months I'd have to kill you...so enough about me...how about I just share this mesmerizing Apple fanboy tribute video to Steve Jobs...call it good...and then we'll get back to our…

A Meditation on Steve Jobs and the Miracle of the French Toast

Hot off this week's iPad 2 announcement, not to mention Glee's recent "Grilled Cheesus" episode, an image of Steve Jobs miraculously appeared on a slice of French toast: (via scoopertino.com...) Pomaire, Chile — By mid-morning, the line was already snaking through…

I’m not gonna lie, if Apple sold water…

...I would probably buy it... ...this post is totally not yoga-related, but definitely a commentary on the life and spending habits of this Apple fanboy...I'm sure some of you can relate... 😉 via Scoopertino.com